Our Funding Priorities
A gift from you will ultimately make a world of difference in the life of a child, a teenager or a patient. Here are some of our most urgent needs that you can contribute to. You may also make a general donation and leave it to our discretion.

Rennovation of first five children's home/cottage
The children's homes/cottages have been inhabited and used every single day from the very first day children moved into them to today. The first five children's homes are between 12 and 18 years old. After many years of daily use by children, the facilities inside these buildings have been worn out. The children's homes really need major repair and rennovation works to make them fit for the children to live in. Please help us so we can completely rehabilities these five homes.
Target: $50,000

Nursery Building for Church of Christ School
Currently, the 2-year-olds and 3-year-olds at our elementary school in Nkwatia share the 1st grade classroom, and the 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds share the 2nd grade classroom. There is a constant reshuffling that displaces at least two classes at any given time. If the school is going to be self-supporting, we need four separate classrooms for the preschool’s four age groups to reduce congestion and have room for new admissions.
Target: $40,000
Amount Raised: $20,000

Equipment for Hope Christian Hospital
Dreams for Orphans, a Seattle-based non-profit, partnered with Village of Hope to build a pediatric care facility for the hospital. The building, though completed, is now empty. Without the necessary equipment and furniture, it cannot be put to use. The hospital staff are excited and anxious to get to work to save the lives of children but cannot do so until the facility is fully equipped. Your gift will purchase equipment including cardio-respiratory monitors for babies, infusion pumps, incubators, cots and surgical instruments.
Target: $100,000
Amount Raised: $45,000